Friday, December 18, 2015

Casio Watches for Imperial Storm Troopers

Today is the release date of a long anticipated movie -- Star Wars:  The Force Awakens.  The movie will re-unite the original Star Wars cast and has excited fans worldwide.  With Christmas just days away, the question has to be asked:  Do you have any Imperial Storm troopers on your Christmas list this year?  If so, these watches from Casio might make the perfect gift.  These are simply white Casio Tough Solar watches, but I think they capture the sheen and attitude of Star Wars imperial storm trooper armor perfectly.  I have the "jungle" version of the Casio Tough Solar have previously reviewed it.  As of 2024, if you'd like to get a Storm Trooper look at a decent price, you can find the Casio Men's AQ-S810WC-7AJH Analog-Digital Quartz White Watch on Amazon.  But, you'll never be able to say the name three times fast.

There is also a purely digital version for the high tech set.  Both of these watches look very cool.  Since they aren't actual Star Wars(tm) products, they also need to work first and foremost as watches.

These aren't expensive watches and you aren't paying a premium for Star Wars branding.  [As of 2024, you can find this Casio Tough Solar Digital watch on Amazon. The links in this article have been refreshed as of December 2024.]

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