A Stroll with my Citizen Stainless Steel Quartz Chronograph Watch
Watches have long been associated with adventures. Mountain climbing, SCUBA diving, Formula 1 racing and various arctic and jungle expeditions have all been sponsored by watch companies. My local adventures are a little more low-key. As this is October and fall is upon us, some of my adventures have included walks in our local cemeteries. They are old and slightly spooky. However, the fall leaves are beautiful and these cemeteries are tranquil places nestled in a very busy city. Let's take an early October stroll through Smyrna Memorial Cemetery in the Atlanta suburbs. It's a small angular cemetery that's about a block long.
The Smyrna Memorial Cemetery Gate is Open to All Who Venture |
In early October, the leaves have really started to change, but they haven't peaked. My Citizen watch places us in the late Afternoon. The date reads '31' as I have forgotten that September only has 30 days. With a 46mm case and a white dial, the watch is easy to read in the shadows and the edge of the shadow world.
A Historical Marker for Smyrna Memorial Cemetery |
I love the old tombstones that are sometimes nestled in family plots. They tell the stories of families long departed. Some are surrounded by intricate wrought iron fences. When the inscriptions are readable, they chronicle love stories and tragedies. Babies who died in the era of primitive medicine. Couples who passed away within months of each other. It's all there for those who care to pause and ponder.
A Family Plot surrounded by Wrought Iron |
As the sun gets lower in the sky, I'm cognizant of the days growing shorter. But, they provide a glow to the trees and changing leaves. |
The Citizen Stainless Steel Quartz Chronograph |
As I stroll, I hear the rustle of leaves. Chipmunks and squirrels forage. But, they are being watched--as am I. I catch a glimpse of a hawk maneuvering in the tree tops and surveying the scene. The cycle of life plays out daily in this place. It spans moments and centuries.
A hawk perches in a tree surveying the landscape |
With my errands in the village done, it's time to depart. The cycle of life must continue. The hawk is hungry and so am I.
The full color of leaves in Smyrna Memorial Cemetery |
I pause for a shot of the church that lies behind the cemetery. The steeple is framed nicely by the trees. As I review the photos later, I see that an orb floats below the steeple and above a tombstone. I'm sure, it's just a reflection. Right?
A mysterious orb appears to float above a tombstone. Probably just an optical illusion. |
I hope you've enjoyed my little adventure. I'm sorry it didn't involve sharks, crocodiles, extreme temperatures, and only the slimmest possibility of ghosts or spirit animals. But, it was a few minutes of meditation. If you'd like more information about the Citizen Stainless Steel Chronograph, you can read my review here on this blog.